Trase - Store Robbery
Store robbery script for ESX & QBCore.
Please keep in mind this is the escrowed version, source code will not be available.
Youtube Showcase:
- Optimized (0.00ms when idle)
- Secure & Protected
- Fully synchronized between players
- 6 Safe Hack Minigames Supported
➜ ps-ui
- Support for the most popular dispatch scripts
➜ qs-dispatch
➜ ps-dispatch
➜ cd_dispatch
- Sounding Alarm
- Rouge Chance (the ped has a configurable chance to shoot and defend the store)
- Configurable Rewards
- Configurable Cooldowns
- 3-erd Target Integration, or native (press E) interactions
- Configurable robbery time
- 10 pre-configured stores
- Blacklisted Jobs
- ox_lib
- OneSync